As the BBC appears to have not posted the comment I wrote about I'll just post it here:
Yes, that's also why I disconnect my phone for 22 hours per day, and don't answer the door for 22 hours a day, and unplug the radio and TV for 22 hours a day. And lock my bookcase etc etc.
Talking to people online isn't fundamentally different from talking face to face, it's just more efficient, I can converse with a thousand people from all over the world at once. The "social" people spend hours travelling only to talk to a couple of people.
Get radio, music and TV via the internet, when you want it, much more variety, easy to record. No need to buy newspapers. The only reason you can buy music online now is because so many people wanted to, but had no choice except to do so illegally. TV and film will be the same.
Remember when you used to search through books looking for that bit you read a while ago?
If the internet's not always on then it's not worth dialing up to do a google search. It only works if it's on all the time.
Do you feel the need to watch TV 24/7 because you paid for it, or use the phone 24/7? You just have to accept it's there when you need it. I'm sure you'll find ways to procrastinate without the internet, newspapers to read, people to phone, tv to watch.
Or is the view that books/newspapers/radio is good, but tv/internet is bad. Can't see why, except for they're newer, so old people aren't used to them.
Remember how records killed live performances, and cinema killed theatre, and tv killed cinema, and radio killed records, and the internet killed them all?
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