Install ORCA
Load the MSI in read only mode
Transform>New Transform
Property Table, New Row, Property = DATAPATH, Value = \\myserver\myshare
Transform>Generate Transform
That sets the data path, but I also wanted to change the permissions to add a ESM group which I add exam users to, much more complex, new transform, then follow
I ended up with a
Component: Component = LockFolders, ComponentId = {guid} (ie like {D3541-23423-24DA}), Directory = LockFolders, Attributes = 0
Directory: Directory = LockFolders, Parent = blank, DefaultDir = SourceDir
Add a LockPermissions table, Lock Object = ADMINISTRATOR, Table = CreateFolder, Domain = blank, User = ESMGroup, Permission = 268435456
And that line repeated for each group, so add BUILTIN Administrators at least
Not actually tested this with a real test yet, but it installed correctly